CEE GRI 2016 – Outlook on the Real Estate market in CEE & SEE


In preparation for the upcoming CEE GRI on 6-7 June, we interviewed Xavier Scheibli (Director, LNR Partners Europe), Patrick Wigan (MD, Investments & Capital-Raising, Wigan Acquisitions), Ondrej Špalek (Chief Operating & Finance Officer, Panattoni Europe) and Marilena Vuiu (Senior Banker, Property & Tourism, EBRD) to gather their thoughts on the Real Estate market in CEE & SEE.

Is the CEE/SEE region likely to attract more institutional investment? (and if so why?)
Xavier Scheibli: “Outside Poland and Czech Republic, whose real estate markets have been attracting institutional investors, the situation over the last couple of years has drastically improved. The positive economic….”
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Which asset classes are you focusing on? (and why?)
Patrick Wigan: “Investors rightly demanding greater levels of certainty and transparency on target assets/portfolios. We therefore consider all asset classes based…”
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Where are the pockets of opportunity for so-called ‘frustrated opportunistic capital’?
Ondrej Špalek: “The spread between yield and interest cost has rarely, if ever, been larger. Therefore if someone uses leverage on long term leased asset, and the asset is industrial (higher yield than other classes), and located…”
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Tell us about one of your projects.
Marilena Vuiu: “We have been recently more involved in bond transactions in the real estate sector and that seems to be a growing source of funding for real estate players as they try to diversify…”
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“CEE GRI is an excellent event to discuss the real estate market with senior representatives from various sectors and countries. It is an opportunity to get new information and access to market views from other countries”.

Radim Passer, CEO, Chairman of the Board, Passerinvest Group, Czech Republic