Family offices are adopting the entrepreneurial flair of venture capitalists in their pursuit of bespoke real estate deals, Moonshot startups, sustainability projects and cross-border investments.
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There is more to it than fee cuts and growth stories, warn experts at our co-investing roundtable.
Wigan Acquisitions has concluded the renegotiation of Skyscanner’s lease in its K6 Office Building. Skyscanner, one of the world’s leading travel fare aggregator signed for an additional five years on the office space over 1,000 sq m in the centre of Budapest, taking advantage of the constantly evolving tech sector and fast-growing Hungarian economy.
Read moreA nemzetközi utazás kereső portál, a magyar applikációfejlesztő céget pár éve felvásárló Skyscanner mintegy 1 000 négyzetméteren folytatja működését a pest belvárosában lévő K6 Irodaházban. A meglévő szerződésük sikeres újratárgyalását a JLL ingatlantanácsadói végezték.
Read moreHUNGARY Online travel fare aggregator Skyscanner has renegotiated its 1,000 sqm lease in the K6 Office Building in Budapest and has signed a five-year extension.
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Photographs by Samaruddin Stewart
and Microstocksolutions.